Wednesday, March 28, 2012

fucked up law #1

Since now i am starting to write about stupid law in Lithuania....Why? because person who is making those is on drugs for sure.....For example,now if somebody makes a graffiti on your wall without your permission you are responsible for it and you must clean it.You might ask why...Because you are getting fined by police,because "it's your property and you must guard it".I am not sure,but i think it's impossible to place an armed gunman at every corned to watch walls and such...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Maybe a small change?

I think since today,i will switch language to English,for bigger audience,and because my English language skills are getting more rusty day by day.I am sorry for Lithuanians who are reading my blog and will not understand a thing,but it this will be fair for Finns who are interested in how their country looks like for foreigners.Also traffic shows that lots of people are coming here from USA,so from now on they will be able to understand more than pictures in here ;)


Friday, March 16, 2012


Ilgai nerasiau,del uzklupusiu bedu,taciau vel gryztu. Kol manes nebuvo,as kuriau planus ateiciai,ka ir kaip daryti Suomijoje, kur mokytis ir kaip gyventi.As visdar su savo mergina gyvenu Vilniuje,kartu mokomes, ji baigia mokykla,o as apdailos amato, kurio nesigailiu, kadangi tokiu sauiu klasioku,bei mokytoju retai kur sutiksi. Zinoma,nera lengva kaip visiems atrodo,taciau ko "duros stumti" cia atejau.Dabar planuoju stoti mokytis i Suomijos aukstaja mokykla,teisininko arba ekonomisto specialybe,zinau jog patekti gali buti sunku,taciau su mano noru ir galimybemis manau viskas imanoma.Kolkas tiek,as dar grysiu!!!