Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lithuania, stay strong, fight and repel the communism!

Current events are making me sick...As a patriot i'm disgusted by the way Lithuanian police works....Couple of teenagers hanged a huge poster under a bridge, which pictured 5 people standing over USSR flag and holding Lithuanian flag...Teenagers were brought to police station and beaten in there....SHAME ON YOU LITHUANIA,SHAME.....if you are interested more in this, here's publication in english:

Saturday, April 6, 2013

It takes real balls to start everything and follow your true dreams!

I haven't been in here for a while, but i am back...Reason i was gone is simple.... I have done my duty and served in Armed Forces of my country..Unlike popular belief,it's not army of clowns just wasting our money...while being in there i saw that men are highly trained, dedicated to their country and most important-true patriots! In Lithuania,service in armed forces is short just 3 months, but i after that, you might get a chance to sign up contract of 4 years, making you real part of the system.!!! Everything in there is fine, of course-you will get some pressure on you, but that's the way everything works, isn't it? I enjoyed my time in Armed forces, gained 14 kilos of weight( not fat ofc.) learned lots of interesting things and most important- now i know how to defend my country in need!